Saturday 13 March 2010

Portobello Market, Ciabattas, Hat Fetishes and the Godfathers admiration of Soho Sex Shops

What is this? Can it be true? Is Mr. Sebben back after almost two years of hibernation? The rumors of Mr Sebbens return and Lady Gaga not having a penis, are indeed true. Gaga and I, are back, stronger and harder than ever. In different and nonchalant ways of-course.

The return of the prodigal son is now a fact, thus let the stories begin.

On this Saturday the 13th, I had the most excellent of adventures. I napped for 1.5 hours or so, on the underground, procured my hat "Tim Gun", and walked half of london eating ciabattas and visiting antique shops, where I enjoyed sexy 3d pictures from 1901, visited movie paraphernalia stores and soho sex shops with the Godfather, and the Fairy Godmother (though the Fairy godmother opted to stay out of the sex shops). Most importantly what needs to be remembered is that I got acquainted with my new friend "Tim Gun". Who is "Tim Gun" you ask? Well... "Tim Gun" is my new Hat (See profile picture). Yes my Children..... I name my hats.... why? Because I can... Life is good, and I might be slightly demented, however clinically proven to be sane. Thus, "Tim Gun" is allowed an existence. He is a lovely 1955 inspired piece of work.. Something Franky would proudly wear... Thank you for existing "Tim Gun" and for making me look good.

Ok so this is how the 13th went down. It was a good one.

The day begun at 5 am as my lovely princess K was heading across the world to venture on the most Epic of adventures. She is now in Mumbai, India making a difference and enjoying some serious heat. I, got the honour and pleasurable delight of taking her to the airport. We woke up in the most delicious of positions.. Spooning...We showered, got dressed and then we (in my mind) high five'd "Heathrow here we come"... We were too tired, running on 3 hours of sleep. A high five = no dice... What goes at 5 am is a half catatonic state of mind...

Heathrow came after a long subway ride and some delicious grapes mixed with the sweet sugar of a kiss or two. <-- That is evidence that heaven exists.

The emotional, cheerful and caring - "I will see you in 1.5 weeks" took place and we temporarily went our separate ways. The eminent K is now is half across the world and I am chilling with my imagination, "the Gun", an Apple and the film Barton Fink running in the background. Ain't that delightful... oh I can't wait to hear her stories....

After the "Ciao", where an instant "I miss you" came to life, I ventured to the Subway where I was out like a light. Around 20 stops later and a seriously nice nap, I found my self at Kings Cross, where after two blinks of an eye, another subway-ride, a buss-ride and another nap, I was home eating biscuits, drinking coffee and planning the day with the Godfather.

The day ended up something like this...

Mr. Sebben, the Godfather, the Fairy Godmother, Mr Sebben squared and the Bowler girl ventured to Portobello. Here is met up with Miss M, our local (super hero).

The stroll began and within 25 minutes the glory that is "Tim Gun" sprung to life and called out my name..... "Mr. Sebben.... make me yours for a mere 10". Done and dusted "Tim Gun" is now mine.. It was hat-love at first sight. Which in turn lead to happy, crazy, we love to eat Ciabatta time! Let the feast begin... We all scoffed down some good grub and the antique boutiques attracted us like a moth to a flame. ZAP! It was (and still is) irresistible. Old things is the new it. There is no word in the universe that can explain my appreciation for the antique. It is just delicious and utterly glorious.

4 hours, one beer, 101 sewing machines, a jazz collection, one sword, a pocket watch, nude photography and 3d from 1901, later, Portobello was done and dusted........ TWICE!

New things called... hence the crowds, gore, flamboyance, glory, lust and passion of Soho stood on the agenda. The Quintet had now become a Crowd, and the hunger for the odd was on our wish-list, unknowingly.

When walking into Soho, we did not know what to expect and a wrong right turn, led us too a street with amazing Trannies, fetish stores, odd people, sushi (not snushi) and the Godfather opting to check out anything with a fancy blinking light. A few disappointing voyeur stores later, the realization that subtlety is FTW, hit the Godfather and I (the fairy godmother knowingly wrote her self out of this story). We left this learning experience behind and called out for bigger and better things.

Thank to the heavens above that Aretha Franklin was there to save the day and help us move on..... Don't ask me how... she was just there... singing ever so gloriously "This Girl's In Love With You". It might not fit, but it worked in the moment. She made us thankful for the women in our lives. K and Fairy godmother.. THANK YOU!

With Soho left in the Dark, the Stand and the desire to attend Legally Blond (fairy godmothers request), ideas sprung to life. A few short steps,m a buss ride, and a few "the economist" articles later, the adventure of the Legally Blond is planned.. Thank you Mr. Squared....

Now.. what is left?

Me.. sitting here.. happy to be writing again... Sebben is back and it feels good.

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